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The McAlpine Clan

The McAlpine Clan

McAlpine has been, at its core, a family business since its creation. Though many staff and management still bear the McAlpine name, our clan has grown to welcome hundreds more into the family over several manufacturing sites and offices. Our people keep McAlpine flowing.


A family company driven by people

Our staff are central to everything we do. Even with automation, robotics and tech advancements, we keep a human touch to help drive innovation, ensure quality, and rigorously test and finish products.

Tested by hand

We’re proud to produce products that are tested and certified to the highest industry standards. Many products for which there is no official certification still undergo rigorous testing by hand right here in the UK. Our quality assurance and testing staff ensure our products perform under stress every time.

Tested by Hand

Partnering humans and machines

Our manufacturing plants are full of assembly lines, machining, and robotics to help fulfil demand and ensure quality. We keep people involved in every step of the process rather than full automation to ensure our products’ quality, integrity and performance.

Human and Machine

A Human Touch

We still produce a range of unique products for
specific use cases that require a personal touch.
Staff will hand prepare, hand finish and assemble
products with the utmost care daily.

Human Tested

Growth and improvement

We’re loyal to our staff. From entry-level to management positions, many of our team have been with us for significant periods of their lives. By being dedicated to our staff, our staff return that in kind. We support growth from the factory floor to management. As our staff grow, we grow with them.

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Our Product guide is our bible of products

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