McAlpine WC Flexi Connector now with a 10-year guarantee.
McAlpine WC Flexi Connector now with a 10-year guarantee.

There are many cheaper Flexi's in the market - many with a one-year guarantee.
McAlpine Flexi Connectors now have a 10-year guarantee.
For one thing, we make all our Flexi's in our manufacturing plants in the UK.
Each product undergoes four tests: air pressure, gravitational water pressure, elevated temperature, and expansion strength tests.
So why would you want to take a risk with a Flexi that isn't tested to that degree?
WC Flexi connectors are an essential component of a toilet installation.
If your customer is putting in a new bathroom with a toilet with a 6-litre flush delivering 6 kilos of water weight in an area you can't always see, is it worth putting in a component that might leak or ruin the new bathroom?
We are so convinced our Flexi's are the best quality in the market that we now offer a 10-year guarantee.
We've got loads of choice too - 67 different Flexi's - with a maximum length of 410mm (any longer, and they can't support the weight of water).
McAlpine Flexis has quality seals, are fully certified, and are easy to install.
So support great British engineering and manufacturing.
Our core products have been Made in Britain since 1907.
McAlpine - Providing Better Solutions for the Trade.